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Dias Ganhos
Tudo que baobao96 postou
There's only one small change in this panel, like Suda said before, to match the real timeline. Also, they cut the pages in tankobon a little bit smaller than in magazine.
13 years ago Jamian just was 4 years old. So I believe the Crow Saint appeared in this chapter was not him.
Terpsichore's skill should be written as Suite Phantasm, as its kanji (組曲) is explained in later pages.
The whole chapter is here. I like Kiki's expression in this manga. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?vanity=StarHillSaintSeiya&set=a.483020560504428
Griffith is that you???
[Anime] The Knights of the Zodiac - Tópico Oficial
baobao96 respondeu ao tópico de Hugo Estranho em Notícias
For anyone who can not access the link I posted. 34ea1ef7fbb3f650fc2868145bc21d8f.mp4 -
[Anime] The Knights of the Zodiac - Tópico Oficial
baobao96 respondeu ao tópico de Hugo Estranho em Notícias
OMG they even got the trailer early!!! https://www.iqiyi.com/v_2408dc6uc48.html -
[Anime] The Knights of the Zodiac - Tópico Oficial
baobao96 respondeu ao tópico de Hugo Estranho em Notícias
I found it here. https://weibo.com/3547773772/LzWzjqYK8?from=page_1002063547773772_profile&wvr=6&mod=weibotime&type=comment#_rnd1656509265575 Seems like the someone from China Netflix distribution team leak it early. I also heard that the trailer come out this Friday. -
Shoko's flower is bougainvillea and Erda's is hibiscus. Only Kyoko's flower is really hard to identify.
I tried to translate the new Gold Saint's name. They are: Aries Theseus Gavras Taurus Ain, from Epsilon Tauri Gemini Tokitou Soujiro Cancer Crematorio, it's mean Crematorium in Italian. Thanks spiteful Leo Vasilios, from Basil the Confessor in Greek Virgo Renge, from Lotus in Japan kanji Libra Kurenai Tsukihime (Jp)/Hong Yue Ji (China)/Hồng Nguyệt Cơ Scorpio Eulalia Sagittarius Cloth Capricorn Kuzuryu Eito Aquarius Tristan Pisces Afreed And spoilers "Athena's brother-Mikagami Matsuri is Garuda Specter!?", surprise!!!
So basically this chapter make 5 years and 16 volumes of Episode. G Assassin become worth for nothing, huh? Great job, Megumu Okada-sensei.
A mistake I found when read tankobon version. Here is a skill Shaka used in original manga: Tenpou Rin In (転法輪印). It is Dharmachakra Mudra-a mudra (hand gesture) means the 'Wheel of Dharma'. In Land of Wing Extra, Asmita used the same mudra with the same hiragana pronouns but the kanji is different (天宝輪印) in first time publish on magazine, in tankobon version, Teshirogi-sensei changed it to (転宝輪印) but still wrong. And the kanji 宝 don't read as pou (ぽう) like 法 but as hou (ほう).
Hi, sorry for my suddenly but I would like to ask you for a favor, can you help me translate these pages from The Lost Canvas Extra Volume? It seems like Teshirogi-sensei talks about her unused ideas for extra chaps but I can't fully understand it. Really appreciate it if you can help. Thank in advance!
Spoiler chap 5 without context. I'm going to hell for this =)))))))))))))))))))))
Spoiler, in next chapter of Saintia Sho =))))))))))
Seems like we have to wait for chap 5 next month to get more infors then.
More spoiler from radami Japanese text まさかの天霊星ネクロマンサーでした! ……いゃまさかLCから持ってくるとは思ってませんでしたわ(汗). しかし, 第二話で羽だけ見せてくれたハ一 ピ一の朱と違い, こちらは完全に冥衣を擴える. 今までの冥闘士と違い, 亡者を慈しみ愛している様子. 死者たちに生命を分け与えてい るので, 小宇宙を使う と お腹が空くらしい. 可愛い. 必殺技は「モールレジュレクシオン」 前回まさかの登揚から, 今回はさらに怪しい展開. 本人は苔通に射手座の黄金聖闘士として“アテナ”を守るために活勒していると思い込んでるょうだが, 混濁した記憶から原作のアイオロスが死後こちらの世界に転生してきてる脱が急浮上。(まあ前回からそういう予想してる人多かったけど) 星矢たちのイメ一ジが勝手に脳内に流れ込んできて混乱しているところ, 突然目の前に現れた(山羊座の黄金聖闘士)に勤揺。 ...えーっと, この物鑑の主人公錐でしたウけw (序盤から早速空気になる主人公ってどうなのよw) 師弟・
Quick translate on the intro: A tea party that sways between dimensions. And Shoko was starting a new path ...? Dysnomia says: My tea party with Shaka-sama is getting interesting.
That sentence is もうー度其の目が開かれるならば なにもかもがどうなろうと構わない Google trans: It doesn't matter what happens if the eyes are opened again Maybe it relate to a creatr god here.
Chap 2 summary in English, from twitter The following contains spoilers for “Darkwing”. This is a brief summary of the second episode. Only those who are interested should watch it. (This is a machine translation so there may be some mistakes in the second person. Thank you for your understanding in advance) (Comments on the Inside cover) Yoruhime Tsukishima was involved in an accident on a luxury cruise ship, and when she woke up in the Underworld, she had awakened as “Pandora”... (START) Shoichiro, the main character, has been asleep for a year since the accident. When h
I think Theseus is a combination of Mu LoS and Hachisuka from Touken Ranbu
Hi, just found some image of chap 3 here. The title of this chapter is: The Boy of Gemini (双子座の少年) https://tieba.baidu.com/p/7233326355 And clearly 2 new Gold Saints from Taizen.
Confirm by Shinshu Ueda-sensei on Champion RED magazine, this page was drawn by Teshirogi Shiori-sensei. Source Info:
Thank for the script. But I think there is one missing sentence of Ares/Saga in page 22&23. "Turn into fire ball with Neo Repulse and fall to the ground!!"
[Champion Red] - Capítulo Especial 2021.1 - Lost Canvas
baobao96 respondeu ao tópico de GFernandes em Notícias
New spoiler from twitter @Yanivion: So this chapter is happened after the Sisyphos vs Aiacos battle. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EsjLHSdUcAAhv2c?format=jpg&name=large