§agitariu§ 333 Postado Maio 14, 2015 Compartilhar Postado Maio 14, 2015 Capítulo bem legal.Creio que agora já estamos caminhando para o fim da história.No próximo já deve começar o arco das revelações sobre os titãs, na qual eles devem tentar descobrir o máximo que puderem na capital e depois ir atrás do misterioso "porão".E depois, bom, talvez acabem com os titãs, se o autor resolver dar um final feliz a história. Citar Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites
Edukovic 237 Postado Maio 14, 2015 Autor Compartilhar Postado Maio 14, 2015 Vou buscar a fonte depois, mas ainda tem uns 3 anos de mangá... o autor tem aumentado o que quer fazer com a série. Inclusive, já mudou rumos. Sasha iria morrer e não morreu pq da fanbase. Esse capitulo foi muito bom, mas sinto que tá se mexendo vagarosamente demais a história... Agora, não imagino nada diferente do que reconquistar a muralha Maria e visitar o porão da casa do Eren... Citar Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites
§agitariu§ 333 Postado Maio 14, 2015 Compartilhar Postado Maio 14, 2015 Vou buscar a fonte depois, mas ainda tem uns 3 anos de mangá... o autor tem aumentado o que quer fazer com a série. Inclusive, já mudou rumos. Sasha iria morrer e não morreu pq da fanbase. Esse capitulo foi muito bom, mas sinto que tá se mexendo vagarosamente demais a história... Agora, não imagino nada diferente do que reconquistar a muralha Maria e visitar o porão da casa do Eren...Pois é, não consigo imaginar mais nada para acontecer. E tinha visto um entrevista do autor dizendo que ele pretendia fazer uns 20 volumes só, mas duvido que só chegue a isso, pois já estamos no 16. Citar Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites
Edukovic 237 Postado Junho 7, 2015 Autor Compartilhar Postado Junho 7, 2015 (editado) O principal site que dava os spoilers de SnK (mangakansou) foi tirado do ar por denúncias... logo, esse mês tá demorando mais pra sair notícia. Mas, saiu. Spoilers (em inglês): - Hanji and Moblit are rejoicing about the hardened armor that Erenleaves behind because they can make weapons with it.- Historia is visiting an orphanage, she's quite popular among thepopulation. Mikasa is jealous of her relationship with Eren (or at leastlooks at her with scary eyes)- Jean's hair grew.- Hitch and Marlowe joined the SL- Something about the syringue- Reiner and Bertolt being torn between saving Annie and followingMonkey Trouble. They follow him.- Anon-kun is monkey trouble. Anon-Kun é o cara que foi apresentado na exposição tem uns meses... Editado Junho 7, 2015 por Edukovic Citar Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites
Edukovic 237 Postado Junho 9, 2015 Autor Compartilhar Postado Junho 9, 2015 Cap 70 em inglês. Citar Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites
Kasinao 9.162 Postado Junho 10, 2015 Compartilhar Postado Junho 10, 2015 Bom capítulo de transição e finalmente vai ser mostrado o que todo mundo estava esperando. Citar Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites
Bizzy 341 Postado Junho 29, 2015 Compartilhar Postado Junho 29, 2015 Live-action Attack on Titan finds North-American distributor Funimation adquiriu os direitos dos dois longas, e irá distribuí-los inclusive nas Américas Central e do Sul. O segundo filme estréia 19/set no Japão, e ainda não há datas para o ocidente. 1 Citar Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites
Edukovic 237 Postado Julho 8, 2015 Autor Compartilhar Postado Julho 8, 2015 (editado) Cap 71 em chinês e resumo em inglês: • Hange told Eren & co. that Shadis was the 12th commander• Eren & co. along with Hange, Levi, and Erwin visit Shadis in his office• Sasha was reluctant to go since she used to get called into his office a lot• It has been a few months since the graduation, and Shadis commented that they all look different now• The last time Levi met Shadis was 5 years ago (1 year after ACWNR)• A flashback of Keith’s memories shows of Erwin, Levi, and Hange 5 years ago• Shadis commented that Levi has changed as well since then• Shadis said that he’s the only former commander of the SC who passed down his title while still being alive; he remarked that it’s a good thing that now the SC is in hands of someone with competent brain [Erwin]. He feels that his only achievement is giving his position to Erwin.• Shadis commented that Eren really looks like his mom, but the passion behind his eyes the same as his father’s• Eren asked Shadis what he knows, but Shadis replied that in the end he is in fact still clueless. But he offered to tell his story, if it can maybe help them, because he doesn’t want to be much of a bystander anymore• [flashback] Shadis met Grisha 20 years ago in the Shigansina district, outside the wall gate. At that time, while returning from anl expedition, they had less encounters with titans [compared to now] so Grisha was outside the wall.• Grisha was clueless about the existence of SC, and Keith was surprised about it, he wondered where Grisha came from and why he looks awkward.Scene change to inside the wall] Grisha is in jail. Hannes and Shadis were talking, apparently Grisha doesn’t have birth records or family registery but he remembers that his name is Grisha Yeager and he is a doctor.• Grisha asked Shadis to teach him about this world’s customs and about the SC.• [scene change to them having drinks at bar] Grisha commented that there is something strange with the history of the city within the wall, the origins of regions’ name, and even the money’s value in the city. Also the gap between rich and poor was strange.• Carla was the waitress at the bar and said that Shadis was trying to recruit people again (Grisha)• Grisha commented that only the chosen ones with a special presence can become a member of the SC, and that he aimed to become commander so he can bring change for humanity• Carla was infected with the epidemic and Grisha cured her. He saved everyone from the epidemic• Not long after that Shadis became commander and he attended Carla & Grisha’s wedding• [Flashback of Erwin devising the long distance formation] Erwin stressed that to achieve a higher rate of survival, instead of fighting the titans they should avoid them instead• After a series of expeditions with poor results and complaints from citizens, Keith decided that he should make Erwin commander, although at that time Erwin didn’t have a lot of power• Grisha & Shadis found Eren at the refuge camp when they found out Carla had been eaten by a titan. Shadis was devastated and Grisha asked Eren to avenge her, and he is sure that Eren would be able to do it since Eren is ‘his child.’• Hange was pissed that Shadis kept all this important information to himself all this time•Eren said that he isn’t special at all, but Shadis remembered that Carla said that being special doesn’t mean that other people have to acknowledge it; just like Eren, his existence makes her happy, and that’s why he is special. People don’t need to be great to be special.• Keith remembered 3 years ago, during Eren’s 3DMG training, watching Eren try to keep himself upright, Shadis realized that he is in fact more suitable as an observer because he is unable to really change things Edit: Cheio de invenção nesse trailer, hein Editado Julho 8, 2015 por Edukovic Citar Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites
Kasinao 9.162 Postado Julho 8, 2015 Compartilhar Postado Julho 8, 2015 Passo longe desses live action. Pra ter uma ideia nunca assisti o filme do DB. Acho que o máximo que já fiz foi assistir alguns minutos do Gantz. Citar Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites
Bizzy 341 Postado Julho 8, 2015 Compartilhar Postado Julho 8, 2015 Pra ter uma ideia nunca assisti o filme do DB. Dá para rir mais do que em muito filme de comédia... Citar Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites
Edukovic 237 Postado Julho 9, 2015 Autor Compartilhar Postado Julho 9, 2015 E agora, o cap 71 em inglês. Esperem o ad acabar pra começar a ler. Citar Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites
Kasinao 9.162 Postado Julho 12, 2015 Compartilhar Postado Julho 12, 2015 Capítulo legal, ainda deu uma explicação para o equipamento quebrado do Eren no treinamento. Citar Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites
Daenerys Targaryen 80 Postado Julho 14, 2015 Compartilhar Postado Julho 14, 2015 Capítulo em PT/BR. Online Download Senha p/ Download: S1N3K57 Citar Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites
Edukovic 237 Postado Agosto 3, 2015 Autor Compartilhar Postado Agosto 3, 2015 (editado) O live action estreou na terra do sol nascente, e quem quiser uns spoilers (em inglês) pra ver que deve ser ruim/isso não é SnK/mudaram muita coisa: Serious warning for spoilers, of course. And please be mindful that this is an alternate universe storyline, only based on canon.The universe is dystopian and post-apocalyptic, with mankind having suffered an extinction event after the modern technology era. Hence the appearance of heavy weaponry as opposed to just 3DMGEren is an orphan - both of his parents are dead at the beginning of the film.During the first Titan invasion, the wall is destroyed and Mikasa is separated from Eren and Armin - and presumed dead.A few years after the fact, Eren and Armin are in the Survey Corps, and Eren and Jean take charge of detonating explosives to seal the broken wall somehow. However, Titans attack again when they arrive for the attempt and they are saved by Mikasa and Shikishima.Armin demonstrates a love for technology that will likely be expanded/utilized in the 2nd filmRelationship-wise, Mikasa starts out as Eren’s girlfriend, but after the timeskip she is not on the best terms with him due to her assuming that he had abandoned her during the first attack. She is initially resentful of Eren when they reunite, and she has a weird relationship with Shikishima instead for this film. The ShikiMika kiss seen in the trailer will be in part 2 of the films, but their connection is established in this one (It’s heavily implied that Shikishima saved her).Armin and Sasha seem to have an interesting thing going on, too…while Hiana, one of the original characters, has an interest in Eren.Mikasa’s has an injury on her waist due to being almost devoured by the Titan during the first attack, which seemed to add to her coldness towards Eren. However, she still shows signs of caring for Eren throughout the movie, and their relationship improves by the end.Eren is eaten by a Titan nonetheless during the new skirmish, and the film concludes with Rogue Titan’s appearance. Mikasa is the one to pull Eren out of his Titan form.Comedic moments are Sasha’s cravings, especially her penchant for potatoes!Several of the original characters die, but I won’t spoil whom exactly.There are changes in some of the scenes, but the general rapport between key characters (Outside of Eren and Mikasa) remain fairly identical to canon.The special effects were amazing in that surreal yet tangible way.More to come once she shares additional details! Opinião do site Kotaku: "Walking out of my local IMAX theater this weekend, my eldest son, a huge Attack on Titan fan, began railing against against all the changes the movie made to the manga. There are plenty. His chief grievances were what most Attack on Titan fans will probably have: That the movie’s changes don’t make Attack on Titan better, but worse. I agreed with him, adding grievances of my own: Forget this movie not working as an Attack on Titan adaptation, it doesn’t even work as a movie. Period." Editado Agosto 3, 2015 por Edukovic Citar Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites
Bizzy 341 Postado Agosto 3, 2015 Compartilhar Postado Agosto 3, 2015 "Walking out of my local IMAX theater this weekend, my eldest son, a huge Attack on Titan fan, began railing against against all the changes the movie made to the manga. There are plenty. His chief grievances were what most Attack on Titan fans will probably have: That the movie’s changes don’t make Attack on Titan better, but worse. I agreed with him, adding grievances of my own: Forget this movie not working as an Attack on Titan adaptation, it doesn’t even work as a movie. Period." Não li os spoilers, porque se o filme já é fraco, imagine sabendo tudo que vai acontecer. Vou acabar assistindo de qualquer modo porque sim, mas o termômetro do medo está na estratosfera. Ao menos já vou preparado para o pior. Já sei que rolam lances high-tech, Mikasa descaracterizada, etc e etc. Citar Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites
Daenerys Targaryen 80 Postado Agosto 3, 2015 Compartilhar Postado Agosto 3, 2015 Ao menos já vou preparado para o pior. Já sei que rolam lances high-tech, Mikasa descaracterizada, etc e etc. E pensar que as coisas "high-tech" foi ideia do Isayama. Vou assistir o filme, mas sem muitas expectativas. Citar Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites
Edukovic 237 Postado Agosto 3, 2015 Autor Compartilhar Postado Agosto 3, 2015 Não li os spoilers, porque se o filme já é fraco, imagine sabendo tudo que vai acontecer. Vou acabar assistindo de qualquer modo porque sim, mas o termômetro do medo está na estratosfera. Ao menos já vou preparado para o pior. Já sei que rolam lances high-tech, Mikasa descaracterizada, etc e etc. Eu não sou muito ligado em spoilers, isso não me atrapalha pra ver filmes, e eu já vou ver esse mesmo... mas de fato não curti. E pensar que as coisas "high-tech" foi ideia do Isayama. Vou assistir o filme, mas sem muitas expectativas. Serio? Tem fonte disso? Citar Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites
Daenerys Targaryen 80 Postado Agosto 4, 2015 Compartilhar Postado Agosto 4, 2015 Serio? Tem fonte disso? A galera do SNK Project. Fiquei passada quando soube. "- tecnologias modernas são usadas no live-action, vide "bazuca" da Hanji nas imagens promocionais. No segundo filme usarão até helicópteros! Tenham sempre em mente que o cenário do LA é diferente da versão do mangá. Isso não foi uma escolha feita apenas pelos produtores, o Isayama também concordou e sugeriu essas mudanças." O link: https://www.facebook.com/525254834174070/photos/a.558165687549651.1073741825.525254834174070/1017701058262776/?type=1&theater Citar Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites
Bruno Ogawara 3.073 Postado Agosto 4, 2015 Compartilhar Postado Agosto 4, 2015 Por mais que mudem, duvido que será tanto quanto LoS....... Citar Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites
Edukovic 237 Postado Agosto 4, 2015 Autor Compartilhar Postado Agosto 4, 2015 (editado) A galera do SNK Project. Fiquei passada quando soube. "- tecnologias modernas são usadas no live-action, vide "bazuca" da Hanji nas imagens promocionais. No segundo filme usarão até helicópteros! Tenham sempre em mente que o cenário do LA é diferente da versão do mangá. Isso não foi uma escolha feita apenas pelos produtores, o Isayama também concordou e sugeriu essas mudanças." O link: https://www.facebook.com/525254834174070/photos/a.558165687549651.1073741825.525254834174070/1017701058262776/?type=1&theater Caramba... obrigado. Edit: Procurei um pouco mais, e aqui tem algumas informações de mudanças pedidas pelo Isayama (embora o futuro hight tech não esteja especificado). Editado Agosto 4, 2015 por Edukovic Citar Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites
Edukovic 237 Postado Agosto 6, 2015 Autor Compartilhar Postado Agosto 6, 2015 Um novo jogo de PS4 de SnK foi anunciado pra 2016, e aqui tem um resumo (ainda não confirmado se é 100% real) do cap 72, em inglês: Disclaimer: these spoilers seem to come from a credible source, but as always we can’t be 100% certain until the chapter comes out.The story begins with Erwin meeting with the squad leaders and officers.Erwin: “So there is a high chance that Eren’s father is from outside the walls?”Hange: “Yes…also Annie, Bertholt and Reiner…they all have titan powers, but unlike the three of them, Grisha was trying to support people inside the wall.”Someone said that it would have been better if Grisha could have helped the SC more. Hange mentioned that Grisha, who is knowledgable about the situation, must have known the true intentions of the Reiss family.Hange: “It might be possible that to avoid conflict with the monarchy he didn’t spread the information, but once Wall Maria was destroyed he did something crazy to get to the Reiss family.”Hange added that he must have been frightened to go within the walls alone to find the monarch, and he couldn’t find the strength to confront them.Hange: “What is the thing in the basement that he wanted to show his 10-year-old son who wanted to join the SC? At his dying moment he said that everything is there in the basement, so what is inside?”Erwin: “Things that he couldn’t say. No…I think what Grisha wanted to say but couldn’t might be that the "memory about the world” was erased by the first king. But even though we’re speculating about it, we won’t be able to get the real answer.”Erwin look everyone in the eyes. He said that preparations to reclaim Wall Maria will be finished in two days.imageErwin: “What is inside the basement…those who want to know will go there to find out. That’s what SC is for, right?”Then the meeting is over and Erwin said “Then I leave it to each squad to handle their preparations.” One executive mentioned that Erwin is as secretive as usual.Someone asked what about the fact that Shadis committed such a crime to hide a huge secret, and Hange said to just leave it be since they don’t have the time to think about that right now.The soldiers were shocked by her reply because she used to adore Shadis, and Hange asked them to shut up.As soon as Hange and the rest left, Levi immediately closed the door and only Levi and Erwin were in the room.Erwin: “What is it, Levi?”Levi: “It’s something I need to know immediately.”Levi asked about what the plan would be after reclaiming Wall Maria. He think that establishing a defence system should be done first.Erwin: “Eliminating the threat [is the first plan]. There is someone out there who wants to feed us to the titans no matter what. Moreover, we can find the answers once we step into the basement. Let’s think about the rest after we reach the basement.”Levi: “I heard you said that you won’t know whether you’ll still be alive or not after all that. Your body won’t be able to move like before…you’re just like bait for titans right now.”Erwin looked down at his right arm.Levi continued and said that it’s better to pass the command of the expedition to Hange and he should just explain to their fellow soldiers what he plans to do.Levi: “That would be fine right?”But when Erwin heard that, his expression said that he would not agree to that. [Flashback to Erwin’s childhood with his dad]imageErwin: “No.”Levi’s expression showed that he has expected this answer. Erwin said that he doesn’t mind being bait. If he is an invalid, command would be passed to Hange, if Hange is an invalid, command would passed on to someone else. This is the plan that he created, and if he doesn’t do it himself the success rate will be lower as well.Levi:” Yeah your plan might fail, and if you kick the bucket there will be no hope left. You just need to sit down and be the brains behind the operation, that’s more than enough; for titans it’s the biggest threat against them and for humanity it’s the best option.”Erwin: “No, the most important thing is to believe in the plan.”imageLevi: “Oi oi oi, if you keep up with that public stance, I will break both of your legs.”Levi mentioned that Erwin should just stay back as it’s even difficult for him to go to the toilet.Erwin laughed at Levi’s toilet joke and said “That would be troublesome.“imageErwin: "But like you said, a wounded soldier will likely fall during an expedition. However…I must be there during the moment we face the truth about this world.”Levi weakly opened his mouth and said “That…is that so important? More than your own legs?“Erwin: "Yes.”imageLevi: “More than the victory of humanity?”Erwin: “Yes.”Levi: “…I see…okay Erwin, I trust your decision.”And Levi left the room and close the door and Erwin narrowed his eyes.Eren and the rest of the 104th squad were in the dining room. They all were gifted with meat as an appreciation gift before going on the expedition to reclaim Wall Maria.Soldiers quarrelled about the distribution of the meat because everyone want to have more.imageJean: “You bitch, potato girl!”Sasha: “Uhh…” [trying to quickly swallow all the meat]Jean: “Do you understand what you’re trying to do?”Sasha was so obsessed with the meat, she ended up biting Jean’s arm thinking it was food.Jean: “AHHH!”Connie: “Sasha?! That meat is Jean’s arm! Can’t you recognize that anymore?”Marlowe: “It’s a pity that the SC can barely eat meat these days.”Sasha punched Marlowe, who was usually able to eat meat. (The MP can eat meat regularly it seems)Mikasa: “Connie, hurry and calm Sasha down.”Mikasa was unaffected by Sasha’s attack on her abdomen.Connie: “I’m trying! But she’s moving like she’s possessed.“In the end, everyone enjoyed the meat.Eren and Connie talked and Connie reminiscence on the fact that they all ate meat three months ago during mandatory gun maintenance [when they were on top of Wall Maria and Sasha stole the meat].Eren remembered those moments with his old squad: Thomas, Samuel, Mina…all those friends who died during the Wall Maria attack.Then Connie brought Eren back from his thoughts and they were quiet over the fact that it has only been three months since the attack happened.imageConnie said “But it’s a good thing that they are now part of Levi’s squad (a privileged team)” and Eren said with soft look, “Because you’re a genious!“Connie: "Of course!”Eren: “Let’s eat before the food gets cold.”Jean was explaining the formation to Marlowe because he is a new member of the SC and being reckless results in death, just like a suicidal idiot who is very gung-ho.imageEren glared at that comment and said “Who do you mean by that, Jean?“ Jean and Armin were a bit surprised by that reaction [because Eren has been down lately].Jean: "Is there anybody else it could be besides you?”Eren retorted that Jean is a coward, and they glared at each other and quarreled more.It ended with laughter and Jean asked Eren to ask Mikasa to help them in their time of need, since there’s no reason to rush. [some text is missing here]Eren replies “Remember to treasure your mom, Jeanbo~!“Jean: FORGET ABOUT THAT NICKNAME!Armin: "It’s okay right not to stop them.”Mikasa said with a softened expression, “Yeah…I think it’s okay.”imageEren and Jean wondered why nobody stopped them from fighting. Suddenly Levi appeared and told them that they’re all too hyped up and ordered them to go to sleep. He added that they must also clean up first.Eren told Armin and Mikasa that they should have stopped his fight with Jean and jokingly said that they should treasure him more.Armin replied that this was funny coming from someone who heals so fast and Eren jokingly answered him with a teasing reply. Mikasa said Eren created his own problem.Armin was glad that Eren was back to normal.Eren replied that no matter what he thinks about it, there’s nothing he can do right now. He can’t be as powerful as Mikasa. But he shouldn’t think that he is useless if he’s not as strong as Mikasa or Captain Levi. They can’t work alone, and everyone has something they can do to contribute.Armin agreed with Eren’s thoughts. They reminiscence about their past when Hannes was still around. Mikasa said that after they reclaim Wall Maria they can they go back to that time. Eren replied that yes they can, but it might be a bit different. Armin said not only that, but they will go to the sea since that’s why they joined the SC. Eren agreed but his expression said otherwise.imageArmin was surprised by Eren’s forlorn expression. He thought Eren didn’t believe that the sea existed. Eren said that there’s no other choice than try to prove that it exists themselves.imageArmin: “Eren, you already promised so we MUST go!”Mikasa: “Once again you guys are talking about something I don’t understand.“Apparently the one who supplied the meat for the SC was Flegel Reeves. As they are departing for Wall Maria expedition, many people cheered for the SC to reclaim the wall.Everyone is surprised to see that the expedition includes Erwin, and this is the first time he has seen people be excited and supportive of their expedition.Erwin surprised Levi, Eren, and the rest of the soldiers with his shout “UOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” [he is very spirited now]imageErwin: “The final plan to recalim Wall Maria starts now! ADVANCE!!!”Last picture is Reiner and Bertholt.image Citar Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites
Edukovic 237 Postado Agosto 10, 2015 Autor Compartilhar Postado Agosto 10, 2015 Cap 72 em inglês. Citar Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites
Daenerys Targaryen 80 Postado Agosto 11, 2015 Compartilhar Postado Agosto 11, 2015 Mais imagens da live: Citar Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites
Kasinao 9.162 Postado Agosto 12, 2015 Compartilhar Postado Agosto 12, 2015 Capítulo de transição legal, agora o bicho vai pegar. Olha o Titã vindo muleque. Citar Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites
Daenerys Targaryen 80 Postado Agosto 17, 2015 Compartilhar Postado Agosto 17, 2015 A quem se interessar, vazou a live do primeiro filme, com legendas em inglês. A galera da SNK project ficou encarregada de legendar em português e postarão no site/ page do Facebook em breve. Link para download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8boB2jUa10QNDduM2M0UjBNZjQ/view?pli=1 Tanto a imagem como o áudio estão bons. 1 Citar Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites
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